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Early Pick-up Listings

Passengers are matched to fit with the nearest designated driver’s schedule. To ensure everyone are being transported to the requested destinations at an appropriate time, we encourage passengers to be on alert for the driver's arrival moments before their scheduled pick-up time.

Review The Time


You may receive a request for an earlier pick-up time based on the Early Pick-up Listings before your booking is approved.

Accept The Request


If the passenger does not agree with the early pick-up time Quruz request, it may take a while for the booking to be approved or may be impossible based on the preference of available drivers.

Confirm The Request


A driver will be presented to complete the transportation once you accept a satisfying pick-up time.

Early Pick-up Listings

5-Mile Plan

Shuttle Service Only

Two Passengers

15 minutes - 30 minutes early

Three Passengers

15 minutes - 45 minutes early

Four+ Passengers

15 minutes - 2 hours early

10+ Mile Plan

Shuttle Service Only

Two Passengers

30 minutes - 45+ minutes early

Three Passengers

30 minutes - 1+ hour early

Four+ Passengers

30 minutes - 3+ hours early

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